There’s a running debate these days comparing the value of print with the value of digital media in our modern technologically advanced world. Is one more relevant than the other?
We have the answer! Both matter. It’s that simple. Part of the same family, where design, impact and availability matter, digital materials and printed materials each have a strong niche in a well rounded, comprehensive marketing portfolio.
Print has been around for a long time.
The Printing Press was invented almost 600 years ago by a German man named Johann Gutenberg. The printing press has been given credit for being the most significant invention in history. With the printing press came printed materials that were much more available and affordable. No longer were the elite members of society the only individuals who could afford printed material. And just like another world rocking invention of our time, the internet, information became available across cultural and economic lines like never before.
Printed media has morphed and changed with advanced technologies.
James Litho Printing’s equipment is state-of-the-art utilizing the most advanced printing technology. Simply, that means the customer receives the highest quality, for the best price in the least amount of time. James Litho prints on a range of mediums in all shapes and sizes. From business cards to giant trade show graphics. Start those creative engines!

Die Cut, printed hats make riding the Metro FUN!
Printed materials are permanent. They make excellent “leave behinds” so you and your product/company are memorable to your clients. How many times do you peruse the internet, see a good product and later forget where you saw it? It happens, a lot. Printed materials are right there at the finger tips.

Stickers are economical and easy to use.
-Stickers are a great give away at trade shows, label for you packaging and more. They pack a big punch. Read more about the value of sticker in the James Litho original blog:

Printed catalogs provide permanent shopping ease
-Thinking of a catalog for your company or product? This blog is full of great information to get you started:

Printed brochures organize valuable information in a retrievable piece
-Read more about fortifying your marketing portfolio with a brochure in this recent James Litho blog:
Your James Litho Printer utilizes technology to provide you with the latest advances in print. Your printed product leaves a tangible impression of permanency and commitment to your company and product. Give us a call today and we’ll get started on your next printed piece.